PHC-IGG Commitment
The commitment to develop a regional heart center must be visible in three outcomes: (1) As a cardiac referral center in the region for CV surgery and intervention. (2) Further plans in the 5-year development plan– to standardize training in Basic and Advanced Life Support as an AHA Satellite Training Center. PHC is the only government hospital accredited by the American Heart Association as an International Training Center for Basic and Adult and Pediatric Life Support courses. PHC extends this licence accreditation to the regional hospitals as satellite AHA training centers- by providing Instructor’s training and lending AHA materials and mannequins until the regional hospital acquires their own set of training materials. The cost estimate will be Php 300,000-500,000. To date, Cagayan de Oro will be the first AHA satellite. Instructor’s courses were given last Sept 20-30, 2015. (3) Collaborative researches will be conducted for prevention and wellness activities. These will be intended to convince legislation for prevention of heart disease in the country in the hope of decreasing heart disease in the next 25 years.
  • Mandatory screening for adults 40 years and above
  • Metabolic screening research for children. Metabolic syndrome was present among Filipinos in 6/100 of children ages 12-17 years of age. The research will be the basis for mandatory screening for cardiovascular risk factors of all children ages 12 and above. This includes: Obesity screening, Hypertension screening, Glucose/ Diabetes screening, Cholesterol screening, and detection of smoking among the youth.
Table 10: IGG Breakthrough Result and Future Plans

PHC commits to :
1. Further assist regional heart centers to be accredited under the Philhealth Z-benefit.
2. Continue the conduct of trainings to enable regional heart centers to become certified under the American Heart Association.
3. Reach out to Heartlink for the sustained growth and implementation of the initiative.
Last Modified: June 21, 2024