PHC-IGG Commitment
From formulation of Balanced Scorecard to the establishment of 73 unit breakthroughs, Philippine Heart Center now looks back with pride at our transformation pathway and revel at the successes we have had this far. From adoption of BSC in 2010 and its seamless alignment with the PGS Strategies, we are now reaping the harvest of Good Governance.
The implementation and utilization of Clinical Pathways for cardiac surgeries since 2013 have seen 932 patients benefit from the Z benefit package in CABG, TOF and VSD, 38% from the No Balance Bill category, with 0.006% mortality ( 6/932) . This is what we like to expand in the regional hospitals- duplicate good outcomes with increased access all over the country by endorsing Philhealth accreditation of the five hospitals. Since 2013, our surgical missions have enhanced the regional hospitals, with 3/5 now accredited and with Bicol processing accreditation until end of this year.
Heartlink formalized institutional partnerships with Mending kids International , Children’s Heart Foundation, and Philippine Airlines, including Senator Teofisto "TG" Guingona III, Committee Chairman on Health and Demography and Mr. Ramy Diez. Heartlink enabled the delivery of both catheter and surgical interventions, valuable support of PHC initiatives, and sustainability of regional hospital surgical missions. We shall recommend legislation after collaborative researches of wellness among young adults and children are completed to contribute to a decrease in mortality from heart disease by 25% in the next 25 years, aligning with the roadmap of World Heart Federation.
The PGS impacts not only the patients that PHC caters to but also the PHC Staff whose commitment to serve have all likewise been transformed by PGS. Each challenging learning step taken and overcome have only further encouraged us to pursue even more the achievement of our goals. The breakthrough results over the last three years into the PGS have seen an increase in the number of patients and with it the number of satisfied clients. We cannot help but feel gratified.
Up ahead, we see the fruition of our plan to have enhanced 5 Regional Hospitals as satellite heart centers. PHC is dead set on fulfilling its commitment to dramatically heighten access to specialized cardiac care to more Filipinos. As of the writing of this report the five satellite hospitals have already been established and 10 outreach surgical missions accomplished with 148 patients operated. A five-year development plan and MOA have been formulated with these centers to support them until they are ready to be weaned as their own highly trained specialists and world class equipment as in PHC, are established. Excellent cardiac/medical delivery in these centers will be enhanced by bringing in standardized AHA training in both basic and advanced life support. PHC commits to continuously train specialists for the regional hospitals to stir confidence in cardiovascular care delivery in the regional heart centers equivalent to excellent PHC standards.
There will be continued effort towards excellence in organizational management. What a fulfilling journey it has been thus far to be part of the Islands of Good Governance Program and we hope to continue our road to excellence in good governance for our people and our country. I look back with satisfaction and relish the thought that "Basta Heart, PHC Dapat" is getting even closer and that "Kalusugan Pangkalahatan" is no longer a dream.
Ultimately, the IGG initiative challenges everyone to take part in governance - propelling the vision of a stronger Filipino nation into reality.
Executive Director
Last Modified: June 21, 2024