Research papers generated from the Philippine Heart Center are regularly published in the Philippine Heart Center Journal and also find their way into prestigious publications like the Philippine Journal of Cardiology, the Philippine Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, the Inventory of Health Research, the Journal of Radioisotope Society, and regular issues coming from the Department of Science and Technology.
At any given time, at least ten major researches are being undertaken at the Center as a result of the revival of its Experimental Surgery and Research Laboratory and its renewed focus on the importanceof research in cardiovascular science.
The Center also conducts on-site studies like the Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease investigation in the Bicol Region where the relationship of coconut oil intake and blood cholesterol levels is being thoroughly looked into. This community research project is in collaboration with key agencies such as the Food and Nutrition Research Institute.
Last Modified: December 29, 2011